Lead paint, while it used to be a common painting practice, is extremely hazardous, especially in homes or buildings where one spends a lot of time. Exposure to lead paint can cause nervous system damage, kidney damages, and can incur a number of developmental problems in children. As of 2010, the EPA requires all renovators to test for and remove lead paint from houses and building built before 1978.
If you are interested in screening for asbestos, lead paint, or mold problems in your new home, contact NED at 312-850-9010 or visit us at www.NEDChicago.com Most home inspectors are not trained or licensed to perform environmental testing or analysis. Protect your investment and your family by setting up an appointment with NED. NED inspectors sample and analyze building materials such as floor tile, pipe insulation, siding, attic insulation, lead paint and dust, mold air and surface tests. Please contact us to discuss your purchase.